d-Wizz Hankuk Travel Diary [2005]

Day 7 (2005-08-02) / Day 8 (2005-08-03) / Day 9 (2005-08-04)
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Day 8: 2005-08-03 (Wednesday)

I got up, had breakfast and a shower. Jin-Oh was again due at 0900 to take me to the church for the final day of the conference. I had to check out of the hotel, because Jin-Oh had only paid for two nights.

Just like the previous day, the conference continued via Internet feed. I was particularly struck by a song which was repeatedly sung at the conference. I had heard this song on the weekend numerous times also, and I was keen to identify it for possible inclusion on the FX project. Unfortunately, Jin-Oh was unable to help me with that task, not being overly musical himself. So I made note of the English subtitled lyrics for further research.

We had lunch at the restaurant again, then Jin-Oh showed me to a room downstairs where I could stay for a few hours and take a rest. He came back at 1900 to pick me up for the night session of the conference. This was the finale, a dramatic musical presentation of the story of David – and very good too. The Korean dialogue was subtitled live in English. The performance lasted about one hour, punctuated midway by a worship session of three songs, including the Remnants theme song, and the still unidentified song I had heard many times now.

I went to a PC bar after arriving back at the restaurant, to use the Internet for e-mail and chatting. I slept that night in the spare room under the restaurant.

Day 7 (2005-08-02) / Day 8 (2005-08-03) / Day 9 (2005-08-04)
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